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畢業年度 指導教授 學生姓名 論文名稱 論文名稱(英)
113 翁銘章 楊于廷 台灣經濟成長與對外貿易依存度之非線性研究 A Nonlinear Study of Taiwan’s Foreign Trade Dependency on Economic Growt
113 許聖章 江威宏  臺灣教育變革對家庭教育支出的影響  The Effect of Education Reform on Family Educational Expenditure in Taiwan
112 鄭義暉 謝耀陞  存有網絡外部性之下廠商研發行為及對社會福利影響之探討 On the study of firms’ R&D behavior and social welfare in the presence of network externalities
112 蔡宗秀 顏嘉佑 環境產品貿易對溫室氣體排放量之影響 The Impact of Trade in Environmental Goods on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
112 許聖章 温  晴 家庭價值與家務分工對婚育決策之影響  The Impact of Family Value and Division of Housework on Marriage and Fertility Decisions
112 許聖章 賴心慧 台灣最低工資調整對工資分配的影響 The Impact of Minimum Wage Adjustment on Wage Distribution in Taiwan
112 翁銘章 陳澤淮 台灣高等教育政策與經濟成長之非線性研究 A Nonlinear Study on the Relationship between Taiwan’s Higher Education Policy and Economic Growth
112 許聖章 林郁涵 生育率對移民流入之影響 The Effect of Fertility Rate on Inflow of Migrants
111 許聖章 吳宜欣 外籍移工對臺灣勞工薪資及就業之影響 The Impacts of Foreign Workers on Wages and Employment in Taiwan 
111 許聖章 莊佳芸 臺灣農業工作報酬之估計—以農業人力團為例    Estimating Compensation of Agricultural Work in Taiwan—An Example of Agricultural Labor Corp 
111 翁銘章 李權哲 台灣六都房價之影響因素分析  A Study of Influencing Factors of Housing Prices in Six Metropolitan Cities of Taiwa
111 翁銘章 李芳綾 台灣貨幣政策對經濟成長之非線性研究  A Nonlinear Study of the Monetary Policy on Economic Growth in Taiwan.
111 柯秀欣 謝奕珊 以NARDL模型分析匯率與實質利差的長期關係—以亞洲四國為例 An NARDL Analysis on the Long Run Relationship between Exchange Rates and Real Interest Rate Differentials -Evidence from Four Asian Countries
111 劉志成 陳俐廷 最低品質標準、消費外部性與國際貿易 Minimum Quality Standards, Consumption Externalities, and International Trade
110 翁銘章 陳澤 中國與主要經濟體之住宅投資與經濟成長之關聯 The Relationship between Residential Investment and Economic Growth for China and Major Economies
110 翁銘章 蔡珽 台灣少子化議題與經濟成長關聯之非線性研究 A Nonlinear Study on the Relationship between Taiwan's Low Fertility Issues and Economic Growth
110 翁銘章 沈彥斈 台灣高齡化議題與經濟成長關聯之非線性探討 A Nonlinear Study on the Relationship between Taiwan's Aging Issues and Economic Growth
109 翁銘章 朱寶嘉 ECFA 對台灣經濟之影響 The Influences of ECFA on Taiwan's Economics
109 許聖章 朱家儀 補習班經驗是否影響薪資表現? 以台灣為例 Do Cram School Experiences Affect Salary? Evidences in Taiwan
109 翁銘章 張景傑 自由度指標與經濟成長關係之非線性研究 A Nonlinear Study on the Relationship between Freedom Index and Economic Growth
109 柯秀欣 林晉雍 美國 QE 政策後金價、油價分別與美元匯率關係之實證研究 An empirical study on the respective relationship between gold/oil prices and USD exchange rate after the U.S. QE policy
109 蔡穎義 蔣姍芳 後美中貿易摩擦之中國經濟:一個金融市場調適能力的視角 Economic Development in China ex post the US-China Trade Friction: A Perspective from Institutional Adaptability of Financial Market
108 翁銘章 王勇傑 台灣房價與匯率關係之研究 The Relationship between House Prices and Exchange Rates in Taiwan
108 蔡宗秀 黃煒哲 綠色商品出口之最適環境補貼初探 The Optimal Subsidies for the Export of Environmental Goods: a Preliminary Study
108 柯秀欣 曾靖尹 央行干預下的匯率預測︰以美元兌新台幣與韓元為例 Exchange Rate Predictability under the Central Bank’s Intervention︰the Cases of NTD and KRW
107 柯秀欣 余韋諪 匯率與經濟成長之關係: 台灣實證研究 The Relationship between Exchange Rate and Economic Growth: An Empirical Evidence in Taiwan
107 翁銘章 林欣螢 歐元區國家政府債務與經濟成長關係之研究 A Study on the Relationship between Government Debt and Economic Growth for Euro Countries
107 許聖章 謝蕙竹 台灣三代代間流動之探討 Analysis of Three-generations Mobility in Taiwan
107 耿紹勛 鄭曉如 家庭結構對孩童身高之影響 The Effect of Family Structure on Children's Height
107 佘志民 許懷仁 不確定性,學習與不對稱下之國際環境協議 International Environmental Agreements under Uncertainty, Learning and Asymmetry
107 佘志民 袁聖貽 技術移轉下的國際環境協定對減排量的影響 The Effect of IEA with Technology Transfer on Abatement
106 許聖章 李菁慧 台灣代間所得流動之探討 Intergenerational Income Mobility in Taiwan
106 蔡宗秀、陳怡凱 陳亭如 銀行績效與對企業放款信用風險辨識度 Bank Performance and the Ability of Credit Risk Analysis of Business Loans
106 耿紹勛 黃安妤 台灣廠商委外生產至中國對於台灣薪資不均的影響 The Effect of Outsourcing to China on Wage Inequality: The Case of Taiwan
105 許聖章 樑楷欣 身心障礙與勞動參與之探討 Disability and Labor Force Participation
105 許聖章 楊子慶 家庭關係對國中學生學業之影響 The impact of family relationships on academic achievement: the example from students of junior high school
105 許聖章 莊士緯 台灣失業給付對失業期間影響之研究 The Impacts of Unemployment Benefit on the Unemployment Duration:An Empirical Study of Taiwan
105 翁銘章 黃柏睿 安倍匯率政策能否改善日本貿易餘額 Does Abe's Exchange Rate Policy Help Boosting Japanese Trade Balances?
105 蔡穎義、楊雅博 林寬宏 寡占市場下智慧財產權保護之分析 Analysis of the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Oligopoly Market
105 蔡穎義、楊雅博 潘冠舟 企業的環境社會責任與上游訂價策略 Corporate Social Responsibility and Upstream Pricing Strategy
105 蔡穎義 陳羿萍 如何展望台資銀行做為兩岸金融新平?一個制度面的視角 Cross-strait Financial Platform:What is in for Taiwan Bank?
105 蔡宗秀 洪國仁 混合寡占下總量管制與可交易污染排放權之比較 The Comparison of Emission Standards and Tradeable Emission Permits in a Mixed Oligopoly
105 耿紹勛 王家濠 自由貿易協定對快樂影響之研究 The Effect of the Free Trade Agreement on Happiness
105 翁銘章 施美君 以向量自我迴歸分析亞洲主要國家之 Okun's Law Vector Autoregression of the Okun's Law for Major Asian Countries
104 佘志民 朱庭毅 垂直產業結構下之企業社會責任與外部性 Corporate Social Responsibility and Externalities in a Vertical Industry Structure
104 柯秀欣 林辰宇 央行外匯市場干預對經濟成長的影響-以亞洲九個國家為例 The Impact of the Central Bank Intervention on Economic Growth-Evidence from 9 Countries in Asia
104 翁銘章 黃志禎 台灣產業升級與央行匯率政策之關係研究 An Empirical Study of Exchange Rate and Industrial Upgrading in Taiwan
104 翁銘章 楊宗翰 台灣實質匯率與所得不均關係之探討 An Investigation on the Relationship between Real Exchange Rate and Income Inequality in Taiwan
104 柯秀欣 謝豐鍵 匯率與實質薪資的Granger因果關係-臺灣之實證研究 A Study for the Granger Causality between Real Exchange Rate and Real Wage in Taiwan
103 佘志民 林彥宏 寇斯定理於產權不完美下之探討 Coase Theorem Under Imperfect Property Right
103 鄭義暉 梁慧綺 影響來台旅客決定性因素探討 On the Determinants of Tourist Arrivals to Taiwan
103 宋皇叡 向柔 大學教師升等制度的經濟分析 An Economic Study on Various Academic Promotion Systems
103 翁銘章、柯秀欣 張凱鈞 臺灣房價之實證研究 An Empirical Study on Housing Prices in Taiwan
103 翁銘章、柯秀欣 黃佳俊 經濟合作暨發展組織國家房價之實證研究 An Empirical Study of Housing Prices in OECD countries
103 許聖章 莊佳芸 科系選擇與兩性薪資差異 Gender Wage Gap and Choices of Major
103 耿紹勛 洪瑞宏 全民健康保險對台灣中老年人口的快樂與行為之影響-以慢性病族群為例 The effect of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance on the Happiness and Moral Hazard:The Case of The Elderly with Chronic Diseases
102 佘志民 姜廷澔 人力資本累積如何影響貿易及其效果 How does the Accumulation of Human Capital Affects Trade and its Effects?
102 王鳳生 李黃名洋 技術移轉與專利授權之寡占市場分析 Technology Transfer and Patent Licensing in Oligopoly
102 翁銘章 林朝偉 主要通貨實質匯率與黃金價格關聯性分析 The Relationships between Real Exchange Rate and Gold Price for Major Currencies
102 翁銘章 陳柏宏 歐元區國家實質利率平價關係之追蹤資料分析 Panel Analysis on Real Interest Rate Parity for Euro Countries
102 鄭義暉 陳芳茹 估計運輸成本對雙邊貿易的影響-以東亞各國間的貿易為例 Estimating the Impact of Transportation Costs on Bilateral Trade: A Study on Trade between East Asian Countries
102 許聖章 劉東霖 以工具變數探討台灣勞動需求彈性 Estimate the elasticity of Taiwan’s labor demand: The method of instrumental variable
102 柯秀欣 王雅萱 泰勒法則與匯率之間的關係─以澳洲為例 Taylor Rules and the Australian Exchange Rate
101 許聖章 何詩婷 台灣女性勞動參與之研究 An Analysis of Female Labor Force Participation in Taiwan
101 宋皇叡 林君婷 學校對於國小學童肥胖的影響 The Impact of School on Obesity among Elementary School Children
101 翁銘章 林聖原 石油價格與匯率波動對股市報酬影響之研究:以台灣類股為例 The Influence of Exchange Rate and Oil Price Volatilities on Sector Returns of Taiwan Stock Exchange
101 許聖章 王傳升 台灣人力派遣人員薪資與流動性之研究 An Analysis of Salary and Liquidity of Temporary Employee in Taiwan
101 翁銘章 徐慈穗 匯市與油價之波動對東亞主要股市報酬之影響-以日本、韓國、台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞及印尼股市為例 The Influence of Exchange Rate and Oil Price Volatilities on the Returns of Major East Asian Stock Markets
101 佘志民 林中聖 國營企業對經濟整合的影響 The Effects of State Enterprise on Economic Integration
100 王鳳生 蔡佳志 自由進入寡佔市場下之進入模式,技術外溢與研發之研究 Entry Mode, Technology Spillover and R&D in a Free Entry Oligopoly
100 王鳳生 王文宏 不完全競爭市場下環境議題之研究:工會,租稅與區位選擇 Essays on the Environment under Imperfect Competition: Unionization, Taxation and Plant Location
100 王鳳生 陳俊儫 成本不對稱寡占模型下之外資持有、市場進入與租稅對消費者福利影響之探究 Foreign Ownership, Market Entry, Taxation and Consumer Welfare in Oligopoly with Cost Asymmetry
100 王鳳生 梁嘉玲 混合寡佔與環境課題之研究:消費者認知、外資持有、與工會三個主題 Three Essays on Consumer Awareness, Foreign Ownership, and Union in Mixed Oligopoly with Environmental Effects
100 王鳳生 梁育維 技術授權與平行交易課題之研究 Essays on Licensing and Parallel Trade
100 王鳳生 王歆雅 混合寡占下之水平併購,外資進入與內生時間之課題研究 Horizontal Merger, Foreign Penetration, and Endogenous Timing in Mixed Oligopoly
100 翁銘章 白濬豪 歐元匯率與歐元區主要國家股市動態相關之研究 A Study on the Dynamic Correlation between Euro and Major Stock Indices in Euro Area
100 耿紹勛 楊文婷 台灣勞退新制對勞工流動率及薪資的影響 The Impact of the Pension Reform on Job Mobility and Wage in Taiwan
99 劉志成 趙聖傑 偏好不確定性、願付價格與實際捐款 Preference Uncertainty, Willingness to Pay,and Actually Donation
99 王鳳生 侯舜欽 生產效率與垂直結構下之最適貿易政策 Optimal Trade Policies in a Vertical Structure with Production Efficiency
99 王鳳生 黃俊銘 合資、租稅競爭與經濟整合 Joint Venture, Tax Competition, and Economic Integration
99 楊雅博、蔡宗秀 簡政源 汙染稅與國際企業之進入模式 Pollution Tax and The Entry Mode of Multinational Enterprises
99 王鳳生 郭哲維 民營化、外資持有、環境與貿易政策 Privatization, Foreign Ownership, Environmental and Trade Policies
99 翁銘章 李彥儒 金價、油價與主要通貨匯率之關聯性分析 Relationships among Gold Price, Oil Price, and Major Currency Exchange Rates
99 許聖章 林衣瑄 失業對醫療利用、健康狀況之探討 Unemployment, Medical Care Utilization and Health in Taiwan
99 許聖章 林鳳儀 RU486 合法化對臺灣育齡婦女生育行為之影響 The Effect of RU486 Legalization on Woman’s Fertility Behavior in Taiwan
99 鄭義暉 張正宜 製造業雙邊貿易流量決定因素之探討 On the Study of Determinants of Bilateral Manufacturing Trade Flows
99 鄭義暉 王珮華 貿易流量之研究-以台灣製造業為例 On the Pattern of Bilateral Trade: The Selected Manufacturing Industries in Taiwan
99 鄭義暉 林鉦翰 區域經濟協定與雙邊貿易 Regional Economic Agreements and Bilateral Trade Flows
99 佘志民 王彩如 在選舉模型下的賄選與其福利效果 Vote Buying and Its Welfare Implication in an Election Model
98 宋皇叡 周孚陽 社區模型存在私立學校及教育券下的同儕效果分析 Effect of Private School and Vouchers on the Equilibrium of a Community Model with Peer Effect
98 鄭義暉 黃明正 區域經濟整合、經濟相似性與雙邊貿易流量 Regional Economic Integration, Economic Similarity and Bilateral Trade Flows
98 翁銘章 魏慶林 貨幣市場與股市泡沫的動態分析 A Dynamic Analysis of Money market and Stock Market Bubbles
98 王鳳生 陳政聖 混合寡占市場下污染、所有權與貿易分析 Pollution, Ownership, and Trade in Mixed Oligopoly
98 許聖章 陳增達 台灣教育報酬率估計—以九年國教為工具變數之應用 Estimating Returns to Schooling in Taiwan—Using Instrument Variable Based on Nine—Year Education Program
98 耿紹勛 曾婉婷 母親就業對兒童肥胖及青少年不良行為的影響之實證研究 An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Maternal Employment on Children Obesity and Adolescent Risky Behavior
98 耿紹勛 洪育玟 空氣汙染與二手菸對兒童氣喘、呼吸道過敏之實證分析 Effects of Air Pollution and Secondhand Smoke on Respiratory Diseases and Childhood Asthma
98 翁銘章 徐偉城 國際股市與匯市之波動與關連性比較 Volatility and correlation comparison in international stock and foreign exchange markets
98 佘志民 黃偉凱 環境稅與同質雙佔下廠商之技術選擇 Environmental tax and technology choice under duopoly
98 耿紹勛 王勝禾 臺灣區域間健康差異因素之分析 Accounting for Taiwan's regional differences in health: An application of Oaxaca decomposition
97 王鳳生 王偲驊 產品差異混合雙占模型下之企業社會責任:企業策略觀點 Corporate Social Responsibility in Mixed Duopoly Model with Product Differentiation: A Business Strategy Perspective
97 翁銘章 胡本謙 未預料到波動對風險與報酬關係之影響 The Influence of Unexpected Volatility to the Risk-Return Relation
97 鄭義暉 黃顯捷 三國模型下之仿冒查緝:以市場進入協議 On the Detection of Counterfeits: A Three-country Model with Market Access
97 耿紹勛 蕭姎凌 全民健保實施對老人居住安排的影響之實證研究 An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of the National Health Insurance on Living Arrangement
97 翁銘章 林裕傑 英、法、德、加四國股匯市報酬與美國股市報酬連動關係之研究 Comovements of G4 equity and exchange rate markets vis-à-vis the US equity market
97 鄭義暉 謝雅雯 影響雙邊貿易因素之探討 On the Study of the Determination of Bilateral Trade Flows
97 許聖章 王瑞樺 高等教育擴張與延後生育 Higher Educational Expansion and Delayed Childbearing
97 宋皇叡 陳岱吟 父母從事教職對子女學業表現的影響—台灣實證研究 An Empirical Study on the Impacts of Schoolteacher Parents on children’s Education Attainments